An extended workshop for existing Bowen therapists. The class also includes selected presentations from Targeting Primary Dysfunction workshop.
9:00 am - 4:30 pm Friday 17th October 2025
9:00 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 18th October 2025
9:00 am - 4:30 pm Sunday 19th October 2025
This three-day workshop presents the Importance of Symmetry class along with additional presentations from the “Part-2” class entitled Targeting Primary Dysfunction.
This workshop teaches Bowen Therapists to assess each patient in order to locate and release the specific muscle tension that is sustaining dysfunction. It helps the therapist to develop a more holistic appreciation of dysfunction and to attain a tactile recognition of relevant soft tissue ‘pathology’. It illustrates the significance of the meridians in the application of Bowen Therapy. Most importantly, it highlights the importance of ‘symmetry’ as a guide to effective Bowen treatment.
Since 2013, the Importance of Symmetry workshop has been presented to more than 2000 therapists in 24 different countries and in every case, it has been enthusiastically endorsed by those who participated. This workshop will enhance your ability to locate and resolve dysfunction at its source and it will dramatically improve your confidence and your clinical outcomes. I believe it will forever change the way you practice Bowen Therapy.
This workshop will cover:
Historical overview of the Bowen Technique (History & Origins)
Underlying principles and theory (I)
Holistic assessment techniques
Underlying principles and theory (II)
Procedures to influence the ‘Central Axis’
Procedures to influence the Pelvis
Additional assessment and screening
How to provide a ‘targeted’ Bowen treatment
The importance of tactile recognition to identify pathology
Patterns in Practice: Common patterns of dysfunction in relation to clinical presentation
Textbook principles
The importance of understanding the role of meridians in Bowen Technique
Patient management
Practical demonstrations on volunteer patients
$695- (AUD) . For anyone repeating the IOS class, the fee is discounted to $575-
Owen Homoeopathics - 443 Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe WA 6104
Please email